Vegan custard; products, recipes and serving suggestions!
Custard is such a tasty and easy pudding option for kids. Happily there are now lots of vegan custard options available, so dairy and egg free kids don’t need to miss out! You can choose from ready to eat custards, powders and recipes to make from scratch. I’ve got all the info below, along with lots of child friendly serving suggestions to keep it interesting.
Quick reference dietary information
Dairy, egg & soy free | gluten free option | nut free option | vegan
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Vegan custard options
There are now lots of dairy and egg free custard options out there for you to try. I’ve included products which do not have dairy or soya listed as an ingredient, and have noted where there are any ‘may contain’ warnings. Ingredients were last checked online on 21st May 2023, but always double check as they can (and do) change without warning. I have also noted any other allergens in the top 14, but always double check to ensure the product is safe for your child or you.
Ready to use vegan custards:
If you’re anything like me, sometimes you just want a zero effort option! For those days, these ready made vegan custards are exactly what you need:
- Oatly vanilla custard is really delicious! It’s best served cold, as it can go a bit too runny when heated. It’s whippable for a lighter texture, but I usually use it as it comes. This custard is free from milk, eggs, soya and nuts. It’s wheat free but not gluten free.
- Coconut collaborative vanilla custard is another very tasty option. It is coconut based, and free from dairy, eggs, soy, gluten and nuts.
- Jude’s plant based custard is a more recent release. We haven’t tried it yet , but the reviews I’ve seen have been good 👍. The only allergen in the ingredients list is oats.
Vegan custard powder:
An option which takes a little more effort is to use a vegan custard powder. There are a number of benefits to making your custard from a powder.
Firstly, it’s cheaper; one tin of custard powder will provide many portions. Secondly custard powders require you to add your own sugar, meaning that you can control the amount you want to include. Finally, for me the biggest benefit is that you can use a calcium fortified plant based milk. This is helpful if you’re trying to ensure your child has enough calcium in their diet (which many milk allergy parents are!).
A lot do contain milk powder, but Birds custard powder is widely available in the UK. It contains no dairy, egg or soy in the ingredients (although it does have a may contain warning for milk).You can use different plant based milks to change the taste. Oat, coconut and almond all work well. Go for unsweetened, calcium fortified options.
Dairy & egg free custard recipes, made from scratch:
If you want to make vegan custard completely from scratch, try this recipe by Freee . The recipe is also gluten free and, depending which plant based milk you use, it can be made top 14 allergen free. It is a happily simple recipe to follow, and needs just 4 ingredients.
You can also try this recipe by the plant based school. They have two variations, one lower fat and one richer & creamier option. It cleverly uses a tiny bit of turmeric to get that authentic custardy colour! As well as being vegan, it can also be made gluten and nut free, as long as you use an appropriate plant based milk and cream.
Simple dairy, egg & soy free puddings using vegan custard:
- Tinned peaches and custard is an oldie, but a goodie! This is such a simple little pud, but very delicious. Go for peaches in juice rather than syrup to keep the sugar levels down.
- Make a cheat’s trifle in a glass. I always use these little Duralex Picardie glasses*. They are super strong – so can survive getting knocked about and dropped – and come in a range of sizes. To make the trifle, first add a layer of crumbled up hobnobs (they also do a gluten free version if needed). Next, layer jam or chia jam (use maple syrup instead of honey for under ones), then vegan custard and finally whipped vegan cream. Food heaven squirty cream or whipped up Oatly cream both work well.
- Baked crumpet pudding is one of our favourites at the moment, and custard is one of the main ingredients. I usually use one of the ready made options to keep it simple.
- A bowl of custard with something sprinkled on top is another quick and easy pud. You can go for desiccated coconut, chia seeds or raisins. For more of a treat you could add grated dairy & soy free chocolate or multi-coloured sprinkles.
- Custard is the perfect accompaniment to crumble! Try this oat, blackberry and almond crumble, which is also gluten free.
- And finally, you can make different flavours of custard by simply stirring through a fruit puree. This is a good way to mix it up and contribute to your child’s 5 a day. Served cold, it can also make a good lunchbox pudding! Simply put the custard into a reusable pouch; our favourites are these nom nom pouches*, which can also be used for dairy free yogurt or smoothies.
Looking for more dairy, egg and soy free pudding ideas? Try some of these…
- Raspberry and coconut mousse
- Dairy and soy free ice lolly recipes round up
- Banana & avocado chocolate mousse
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