Raspberry & beetroot dairy free ice lollies

Raspberry & beetroot ice lollies for babies & toddlers (dairy free)

These dairy free raspberry & beetroot ice lollies are a great healthy treat for babies and toddlers. A delicious snack with two sneaky portions of veg & a big dose of calcium; what more could you ask for?!

Quick reference dietary information

Dairy, egg & soy free | gluten free | nut free | sesame free | vegan

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If you don’t have a stash of vaguely healthy dairy free ice lollies in your freezer then you are missing a trick!

I honestly don’t know how I would have got through having a second baby without ice lollies. Not much else can keep a toddler quiet and still for 15 minutes plus while you get some jobs done! And don’t make the mistake of thinking ice lollies are just for sunny days – they can be a great way to sooth sore throats, teething gums, or just to cheer up a rainy day.

A big calcium boost – plus sneaky spinach!

This dairy free recipe includes spinach & beetroot, but the overwhelming taste is raspberry so your unsuspecting child will never know, mwahahaaa. And if you choose calcium fortified plant based milk and yogurt then this recipe delivers a big serving of calcium. You can check out my post on the best dairy free yogurts for babies to find one that is fortified and has no added sugar. For this recipe, I often use Koko coconut milk and yogurt.

To make these raspberry & beetroot ice lollies, you will need:

  • A set of ice lolly moulds which are easy for babies to hold. There is a large and generally good value selection on Amazon. If you type in ‘ice lolly moulds’, you’ll get a huge range to choose from. My favourites are these moulds from Ikea* (available on Amazon). I also like the baby friendly ice lolly moulds* by Nuk,
  • Something to blend the mix up. I tend to use my trusty stick blender* for this as it does a great job of getting the mix completely smooth – no tell tale chunks of spinach leaves! A food processor will also do a good job; I use a Kenwood*.

How to serve raspberry & beetroot ice lollies for babies

Homemade lollies are an excellent baby led weaning option – my 1 year old nephew recently spent 30 minutes quietly eating his. You don’t need any teeth to lick an ice lolly, and they can really help gums that are sore from teething. Younger babies will need help holding the stick, but you’d be surprised how quickly they can get the hang of it. You can leave the maple syrup out for the under ones.

When serving the lollies, you can briefly run the bottom of the lolly under hot water to loosen it and easily release from the mould.

Some amount of mess is inevitable with baby led weaning, but with ice lollies it can go next level! My advice is to give in and accept that your little one will get covered in drips. Use a long sleeved bib or just have a change of clothes at the ready!

If you have any leftovers after filling up your ice lolly moulds, it can be served as a smoothie. The mix will keep in the fridge for a couple of days. To serve smoothies, I love the squeezy pouches* by Nom Nom kids. They are really easy for little ones to hold and drink independently.

If you’re looking for more dairy free ice lollies suitable for babies, you might like to try:

Raspberry & beetroot dairy free ice lollies

Raspberry & beetroot ice lollies for babies & toddlers (dairy free)

These dairy free raspberry & beetroot ice lollies are a great healthy treat for babies and toddlers. A delicious snack with two sneaky portions of veg & a big dose of calcium; what more could you ask?!
Prep Time 10 minutes
freezing time 4 hours
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Servings 12 lollies


  • A big handful of spinach leaves
  • 150 ml plant based milk, unsweetened and calcium fortified I tend to use Koko coconut milk for these
  • 2 Bananas
  • 90 g cooked beetroot, peeled (I used vacuum packed beetroot in its own juice NOT in vinegar)
  • 250 g raspberries fresh or frozen
  • 200 g coconut yoghurt (ideally calcium fortified with no added sugar)
  • Squeeze of maple syrup (optional)


  • Add the spinach leaves and your chosen plant based milk to a large mixing bowl or jug. Blitz into a pleasing green coloured milk using a stick blender (you can also use a smoothie maker/food processor, but I find a stick blender best to completely pulverise the spinach).
  • Drain away the juices if you are using vacuum packed beetroot, and roughly chop it up along with the bananas. Add these, along with all other ingredients, to the mixing bowl or jug and blend until smooth.
  • Pour into your lolly moulds and freeze for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. Any leftovers can be made into a smoothie, just add a little extra plant based milk to loosen it.
  • When serving, you can briefly run the bottom of the lolly under hot water to easily remove from the mould.


  • If you or your child has an allergy, always double check that the recipe and all of the components are suitable. This includes checking ‘may contain’ statements on each ingredient and making your own assessment of risk based on personal circumstances.

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